Must Read: Good Chinese Wife by Susan Blumberg-Kason

I recently had the privilege of reading an advance copy of Susan Blumberg – Kason’s first book: Good Chinese Wife. I also was lucky enough to ask her a few questions about the book, writing and the pain of a relationship that you put your heart and soul into only to have it turn bad….


One of my favorite things to do when in China was to go out at night and get lost in the miles of neon lights. It was like Christmas lights in the states only on steroids. Every city and even every neighborhood of every city was lined with street after street, business after business of…

Hello World!

Hello world! I am in China now, Kaifeng to be exact. I haven’t been able to post much of anything because the internet in our dorm is super slow and many websites that i use for my blog and travel updates are “blocked” here. (PS excuse the numerous spelling errors, i was typing fast and…

Counting Down and Packing Up

Counting Down and Packing Up Well, after much confusion and changing plans I finally know when I want to leave – August 17 – for China. I have to be to Kaifeng by July 27 to join the rest of the crew going. I am planning on flying into Hong Kong and staying with friends…