好久不见 (Long Time, No See)

Wow, time flies doesn’t it? I hadn’t realized it had been so long since I kept up with my posting and even longer since I did any really writing. Life is funny that way. It has been exactly 4 years since I came home from my year in China. Four years of ups and downs…


Aging… I have been fighting it for years. Been coloring the gray for about 20 years and have been blessed with very little wrinkles. I had beautiful skin tone until about 3 years ago when I started noticing my cute freckles around my eyes and nose decided to begin merging into large colonies of discoloration….

Must Read: Good Chinese Wife by Susan Blumberg-Kason

I recently had the privilege of reading an advance copy of Susan Blumberg – Kason’s first book: Good Chinese Wife. I also was lucky enough to ask her a few questions about the book, writing and the pain of a relationship that you put your heart and soul into only to have it turn bad….

One week of being less distracted…

So I have survived the first week of my challenge to live without social media, games, reading, etc.apps on my phone and learn how to be present, less distracted and more efficient. I didn’t realized how hard this would be until my first afternoon when I was waiting in line somewhere and didn’t have something…

Trying Something New

Anyone that has seen me in person can attest to the fact that I am constantly on my phone. Whether it is for a text, a quick Facebook check or status update, I am always on my phone. It has gotten so bad lately that I believe it is causing my anxiety level to rise….


Over the years I have accomplished many things that I am supremely proud of, and well, as many things I am not so proud of, but I don’t have regrets. In my 43 years, I have crossed off all of the things I wished for as a child and even a few “bucket list” items…

Where does the time go??

Has it really been 2 years? It is hard to believe that 2 years ago I was in China finishing my year of studying Chinese and began teaching children of migrant workers English. I drug out my departure to the very last minute. My visa expired July 20 and I left July 19th. I was…


One of my favorite things to do when in China was to go out at night and get lost in the miles of neon lights. It was like Christmas lights in the states only on steroids. Every city and even every neighborhood of every city was lined with street after street, business after business of…

My YouTube Channel

Now, I warn you, I am not a film maker but I wanted to share some of the “from my perspective” video footage I took in China. Some are me riding around in cars, taxis and buses and videoing the surroundings. Maybe you won’t get what I am doing in the videos, I guess I…


2012-6-2 On Saturday our class took a trip to Luoyang, a historic city about 3 hours away from Kaifeng. I was really looking forward to this trip for several years now and couldn’t wait to see the Longmen Grotto’s. I really wanted to see first hand what I was drooling over on travel shows and…


2011-9-11 Today has been a rather strange day. I couldn’t quiet put my finger on why I am sad and a bit reflective. I first thought it was the rainy weather and then maybe a touch of home-sickness; but then it dawned on me, this will be the first year that I will not be…