My life, My China (pt1)

The story of my crazy quest to get to China and what happens when I do. So many people said I was crazy from the start. Maybe that is part of the drive that has pushed me from a small town in the mid-west to the other-side of the globe. Lesson to everyone: never call…

This is where I hope to write about my trip

I have avoided talking about it for months, at least in any specific terms. It was just too painful. Being on the opposite side of the world from your love. I tried to push the memories away but they keep coming back haunting my dreams. I didn’t want to think about it, much less talk…

Story in the Kaifeng News about me and my teaching

安霓珊:我很享受奉献爱心的过程 I was interviewed when I was teaching for a dear friend’s school in Kaifeng. This is the article. It is in Chinese, but a friend translated it. I am extremely honored to be apart of this school, and would do it again in a heartbeat. For those that don’t know Anni Shan is the…


2012-2-9 As yet another night turns into day and my 4 hours of sleep then 2 hours of awake pattern continues, I began thinking about goals. I have only 10 days until my next semester begins. Last semester my only goal was survive. But not that I am neck deep in life in China, I…

Lantern Festival

p><a Today is my first lantern festival in China, and after missing Chinese New Year due to illness I really wanted to go see some of the festivities. I found out that Millineum Park was having a big lantern festival celebration complete with giant dragon displays and amazing fireworks. Thinking, cool I can do this,…

Hello World!

Hello world! I am in China now, Kaifeng to be exact. I haven’t been able to post much of anything because the internet in our dorm is super slow and many websites that i use for my blog and travel updates are “blocked” here. (PS excuse the numerous spelling errors, i was typing fast and…

14? Really only 14 days left until I leave? SWEET!

So as you can guess I have 14 days until I am on a long flight to China. Many have asked what do I do on such long flights, to which I reply “this will only be my third at this length”. But I kinda look forward to them. I mean you can catch up…

FAQ: What do the Chinese Eat for Breakfast

Many times since I began studying Chinese culture I have been asked (and often wondered myself) strange questions. In an attempt to dispel myths and stereotypes I will create posts when I can about some FAQ (frequently asked questions). My hopes are to educate the willing and disprove the nay-sayers. Todays FAQ: What do the Chinese eat…

Counting Down and Packing Up

Counting Down and Packing Up Well, after much confusion and changing plans I finally know when I want to leave – August 17 – for China. I have to be to Kaifeng by July 27 to join the rest of the crew going. I am planning on flying into Hong Kong and staying with friends…